Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Shorty medlocke Vocals
Synth Bass 2

Shorty Medlocke Harmonica

Rickey Medlocke Vocals
Synth Bass 2

Gregg T Walker Vocals

Rickey Medlocke Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Charlie Hargrett Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Rickey Medlocke Fills and Solos
Electric Guitar (muted]

Gregg T Walker Bass
Acoustic Bass

Jakson Spires Drums
ah take a look now we-ll I got in my pick-up at a quaterto fo-ur had my snake skins on and my black stetson and I I was re-ady to stroll an-d I called Doc-tor Jak-son said to my friend oh oh do you want to go-o-o you know he ain\'t too slow We\'ll be out do-in\' the fox cha-a-se just like so ma-ny times be-fo-re I called up pas-tor T to come and see Char-lie says we\'re right on ti-me we\'ll be drin-kin\' Jack Black one on one and may-be just a lit-tle bit of wine we got-ta hunt up miss Lu-cy bring-ing my gun she\'s al-rea-dy t-o g-o-o ba-by ba-by aint too slow We\'ll be out do-in\' the fox cha-a-se just like so ma-ny times be-fo-re yeah oo oo whoo free as a breeze do what we ple-ase with-out a care in the world just a dol-lar of gas want to get a road map loo-kin\' for that girl well now some-body call the doc-tor sick on my knees don\'t think I\'ll be ab-le to go-o-o but then a-gain I don\'t know I\'ll be out do-in\' the fox cha-a-se just like so ma-ny times be-fo-re oh yeah chase them fox-es